Bioidentical hormones are plant-derived hormones that are biochemically similar or identical to those produced by the ovary. Several drugs contain bioidentical hormones such as Estrace tablets and Prometrium oral capsules. However, custom-compounded bioidentical hormones may be risks to the consumers. Unlike drugs that are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to be manufactured and sold in standardized dosages, compounded products are often custom made for a patient according to a physician specifications. Due to lack of scientific evidence about the effects of these products on the body, and lack of standardization in dosage and the components, the use of custom-compounded bioidentical hormones are not recommended at the present time.
Bioidentical Hormones
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Nezhat Solimani, MD
2495 Hospital Dr.
Suite #515
Mountain View, CA 94040
2495 Hospital Dr.
Suite #515
Mountain View, CA 94040